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Arnold LE, Simkin D, Zakers A. Clinical Update: Complementary-Integrative Medicine for Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, to be published 2024


Mind-Body/Body-Mind /Meditation, Simkin D, Verma S, Zakers A, Orme-Johnson D. To be published 2024 in Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am


Managing the chemical environment Factors, Simkin D, Kaliebe K, Shaw, W

To be published 2024 in Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am


Spirituality and Stress. Schoenberg G, Arnold LE, Simkin D. To be published 2024 in Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am


Microbiome. Luna RA, Simkin D. To be published 2024 in Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am

Vandana P, Simkin D, Hendren R, Arnold LE. Autism Spectrum Disorder in CIM. IN: Co-Editors Simkin D, Arnold LE Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics of North America, Complimentary and Integrative Medicine Part I: Disorders, to be published March 2023


Despande S, Simkin D. Complementary and Integrative approaches to prevention and treatment of child and adolescent obesity IN: Simkin D, Arnold LE Co-Editors Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics of North America, Complimentary and Integrative Medicine Part I: Disorders, to be published March 2023. 


Saxena K, Kurian S, Kumar R, Arnold LE, Simkin D. Mood Disorders in Youth: Complementary and Integrative Medicine IN: Co-Editors Simkin D, Arnold LE Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics of North America, Complimentary and Integrative Medicine Part I: Disorders, to be published March 2023. 


Despande S, Simkin D. Complementary and Integrative approaches to Sleep Disorders in Children IN: Co-Editors Simkin D, Arnold LE Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics of North America, Complimentary and Integrative Medicine Part I: Disorders, to be published March 2023

Swick S, Simkin D, Taneja K Ranibar N, Arnold LE. Complementary and Integrative Medicine for Anxiety in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults IN: Co-Editors Simkin D, Arnold LE Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics of North America, Complimentary and Integrative Medicine Part I: Disorders, to be published March 2023


Simkin D.  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder/Developmental Trauma Disorder/Chronic PTSD and Complementary and Integrative Medicine/Functional Medicine IN: Co-Editors Simkin D, Arnold LE Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics of North America, Complimentary and Integrative Medicine Part I: Disorders, to be published March 2023


Simkin D and Arnold G. Preface IN: Co-Editors Simkin D, Arnold LE Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics of North America, Complimentary and Integrative Medicine Part I: Disorders, to be published March 2023.


Arnold LE, Simkin D, Zakers A. Clinical Update: Complementary-Integrative Medicine for Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders. To be published


Simkin D, Arnold LE (2020) The Roles of Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and the Gut-Brain Axis in Treatment-Refractory Depression. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine ( , ISSN 2573-4393)

Simkin, D. Microbiome and Mental Health, Specifically as It Relates to Adolescents.

 Current Psychiatry Reports, 01 Sep 2019, 21(9):93


Co-Editor for special issue on Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Pediatric Psychiatry, to be published in the Journal of Child Science.


Simkin, D. "Neurobiology of  Addiction From a Developmental Perspective" Chapter 102, IN  Principles of Addiction Medicine, 4th Edition, Editors Richard K Ries, MD, Shannon C. Miller, FASAM, FAPA, CMRO, David A Fielin, M.D., Richard Saitz, MD, MPH, FACP, FASAM, PP 1391-1409, 2009, to be revised for new edition, 2018 


Simkin, D, Saul,  J, Pentz, J Lubar, J, Little, K, Thatcher, RW. Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders-Neurofeedback in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Learning Disorders and Autism, Nutrition, Equine and Art Therapy, American Psychiatric Press textbook on Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, 2017


Simkin D and Lubar J. “ LORETA Neurofeedback: Significance for Psychiatry. Psychiatric Times, Nov, 2016


Pentz J and Simkin D. Meditation in Children with Mental Health Issues. Psychiatric Times, November, 2016


Simkin, D and Popper, C. Preface IN: Co-Editors, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics of North America, Alternative and Complementary Therapies for Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders,  Part 2, July 2014



Black, N. and Simkin, D. “Meditation/ Mindfulness IN: Simkin, D and Popper, C;  Co-Editors, Alternative and Complementary Therapies for Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders, Child and Adol Clinics of N America, Part 2, July 2014, pp.  487-534

Simkin D, Arnold LE (2020) The Roles of Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and the Gut-Brain Axis in Treatment-Refractory Depression. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine ( , ISSN 2573-4393)


Co-Editor for special issue on Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Pediatric Psychiatry, to be published in the Journal of Child Science

Simkin, D. "Neurobiology of  Addiction From a Developmental Perspective" Chapter 102, IN  Principles of Addiction Medicine, 4th Edition, Editors Richard K Ries, MD, Shannon C. Miller, FASAM, FAPA, CMRO, David A Fielin, M.D., Richard Saitz, MD, MPH, FACP, FASAM, PP 1391-1409, 2009, to be revised for new edition, 2018 


Alternative and Complementary Therapy

Simkin, D, Saul,  J, Pentz, J Lubar, J, Little, K, Thatcher, RW. Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders-Neurofeedback in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Learning Disorders and Autism, Nutrition, Equine and Art Therapy, American Psychiatric Press textbook on Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, 2017

Simkin, D and Popper, C. Overview of Integrative Medicine in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, IN:  Co-Editors Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics of North America, Alternative and Complementary

Therapies for Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders,  November, 2013             

Simkin, D. Principles of Addiction Medicine, 4th Edition, Editors Richard K Ries, MD, Shannon C. Miller, FASAM, FAPA, CMRO, David A Fielin, M.D., Richard Saitz, MD, MPH, FACP, FASAM, Co-Editor Deborah R. Simkin, MD, Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Section 13, Chapters 99-108 "Children and Adolescents",  2009, to be revised for new edition, 2013


Armentano, M. Solhkhah, R. Simkin, D. “Co-occurring Psychiatric Disorders in Adolescents” Chapter 106, IN  Principles of Addiction Medicine, 4th Edition, Editors Richard K Ries, MD, Shannon C. Miller, FASAM, FAPA, CMRO, David A Fielin, M.D., Richard Saitz, MD, MPH, FACP, FASAM, PP 1473-1482, 2009, to be revised for new edition, 2013 


Simkin, D. “Neurobiology of Addiction and the Adolescent Brain” Current Issues in Drug Abuse and Treatment: Implications for Identifying Risk, Journal of Global Drug Policy, Vol 2, Issue 2, Summer, 2008


Simkin, D. “Diagnosis and Treatment of Adolescent Substance Abuse” IN Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Psychiatry, edited by Ebert, M., Lange Press, Chapter 37, pp 593-601, 2008


Simkin, D. “Substance Abuse in Youth Offenders” The mental Health Needs of Young Offenders, Edited by Kessler and Kraus, Cambridge Press, 146-179, 2007

Simkin, D. “Developmental Neurobiology of Bipolar Disorder and Substance Use Disorder” Psychiatric Times, pp 24-25 August 2006


Simkin, D. “Adolescent Substance Abuse”, IN: Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, Edited by B. Sadock, M.D., 8th  Edition, Volume 2, pp 3470-3490 , 2004  


Simkin, D. with Larry B. Silver ,“Substance Use and Abuse” Simkin, D. The Educator’s Guide to Mental Health Issues in the Classroom,  Frank M. Kline & Larry B. Silver, Paul H. Brookes Publishling, 2004


Simkin, D.“When is ADHD really ADHD”, Kids on the Coast Magazine, Fall, 2004


Simkin, D.  “Adolescent Substance Use Disorders  and Co mormorbidity, Pediatric Clinics of North America,edited by P. Rogers, M.D., and E. Knight, M.D., The Pediatric Clinic of North America, Vol 49 pp 463-477, 2002


Simkin, D. “Drug Addiction is a Brain Disease,” American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry News, Vol. 27, Issue 4, pp.17 and 40.  July/August, 1996


Simkin, D. “Twelve-Step Treatment From A Developmental Prospective,” IN: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Vol. 5, no.1, pp165-75, Jan.,1996        


Simkin, D. “Levels of Use in Adolescents,” Newsletter; The American Academy of

Psychiatrists in Alcoholism and Addictions.   Simkin, D. Vol. IX, Number 1, 1994


Simkin, D. Book Review-“Substance Abuse in Adolescents and Young  Adults: A Guide to Treatment”, Nowinski, J. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology,  Vol. 3, No. 2 Summer, 93


Jaffe, S. and Simkin, D. “Alcohol and Substance Abuse in Children and  Adolescents”, IN: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry A Comprehensive Textbook, edited by Melvin Lewis, MB, BS, FRCPsych DCH,

Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 1991


Simkin, D. “Caffeine Dependence Part II-Prevalence in Medical Outpatients,” Mebane, A., Michell, G., Simkin, D., Correa, E., Unpublished


Simkin, D. “Members-in-Training-The Danger of Extending the Word ‘Addiction’ to Include Other Areas”, Simkin, D., Newsletter-American Academy of psychiatrists in Alcoholism and Addiction, Vol. V., No. 3, 1990


Simkin, D. “Phoenix Society, Aid to Impaired Medical Students, “Simkin, D., JAMA, Vol. 255, 5/23-30, 1986


Simkin, D. “Student Impairment-Part II,” Simkin, D. and Binder, J., Journal of Louisiana State Medical Society, Vol. 137 (5); 28-29,1985


Simkin, D. “Student Impairment-Part I,” Simkin, D. and Binder, J., Journal of Louisiana State Medical Society, Vol. 136 (12); 24-25, 1984


Simkin, D. “Financial Aid,” Medical Student Section of American Medical Association Capsule, 1984


Simkin, D. “Teenage Suicide, What Do We Have To Offer?”Journal of Louisiana State Medical Society, Vol. 138 (1); 15-21, 1985

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